On last Friday, 25th May, new year round training was organized and finished well. All trainees are consultants from our tailor shops in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and ladies from about 100 franchise shops nationwide.
Training content includes measurement, our brands, tuxedo culture, and our designer conception. Measurement is the key point, mainly learn further about sizing body size, sizing etiquette, necessary communication on customers’ wearing habits, and 2-3 trainees of each team were inspected by virtual sizing exercise.
Mr. Chou, confident training supervisor gave lessons on the later parts, and tailor Wong in charge of the production workshop taught main process of measurement, main body types, and body characters like chest always bigger than waist for men of common body form.
Another main part of this meeting covered coming ERP stock software used as follow-up in process of each suit at main Shanghai stores and recording goods and wrongs for quality check, which ends the day of paper writing, follow up each suit only by a finger typing on Mouse for sales, and makes quality control much easier. Obviously, it’s stress free for consultants, for QC tailor, for all tailors to sum and solve main quality reasons.
At last, Ms. Wu was elected star consultant, and Wu’s lovely smile picture printed in monthly shop administration manual as encouragement to herself and the other consultants.
“It’s a great day with first-meet girls communicating the wrong parts of measurements and etiquette. ” A girl from Hangzhou Shop said.